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School News丨《西湖校报》首稿:第五届中文演讲比赛圆满落幕!


"The east wind scattered plums and snow. 
Save spring overnight.
The grass in spring is growing.
Willows shed tears."

After 16 days of fierce competition, the Winter Olympics ended with a closing ceremony.


3月10日下午,福州西湖国际学校举办了第五届中文演讲比赛,中学组以 “缤纷冬奥,活力西湖” 为主题,邀请了Grace老师,Yoyo老师,Luna老师,Yeva老师担任嘉宾评委。有17名选手在各班预赛中脱颖而出,他们之间展开了激烈的角逐。
On March 10th, Fuzhou Lakeside International School held its fifth Chinese Speech Contest. The secondary school group invited Grace, Yoyo, Luna, and Yeva as the guest judges under the theme of "Colorful Winter Olympics, Vibrant West Lake." Seventeen contestants stood out in the preliminary context of each class and launched an intense battle.

下午3点,全体中学生在3D影院入座。随着两位学生主持 Cindy 和 Henry慷慨激昂的开场白,第一位选手MYP4的John同学走上了演讲台,向我们讲述了何为永不言弃的精神;Alicia、Harveych、Amy、Grace、Bonnie、Carlyn同学从不同角度阐释了冬奥精神是坚韧、友爱、尊重、公平、有大格局;Andy同学关注到了奥运会的幕后英雄——志愿者、安保人员,他们是可敬的;Vivi同学《融化冰雪,共赴春天》中生动讲述了什么是中国式浪漫;Yolanda同学用鲜活的例子展示了冬奥中的文化自信;Daniel同学让我们跟着可爱的冰墩墩一起回顾了冬奥赛场上感人的一幕幕;Dolfin同学在他的演讲《一起向未来》中用数学上的例子,告诉我们每天努力一点点,进步一点点,积少成多,坚持能带来大改变,也让比赛迎来了高潮。震耳欲聋的掌声响彻全场。
At three 'o clock, all secondary school students were seated in the 3D cinema to start the competition. As the two student hosts, Cindy and Henry, made impassioned opening remarks, the first contestant, John, from MYP4, stepped onto the podium and told us about the spirit of never giving up was. Alicia, Harveych, Amy, Grace, Bonnie, and Carlyn explained from different perspectives that the spirit of the Winter Olympics was perseverance, love, respect, fairness, and great-mindedness. Andy concentrated on the "heroes" behind the scenes of the Olympics---the respectful volunteers and the beloved security personnel. Vivi's "Melting Snow and Ice for Spring" vividly taught us what "Chinese romance" is all about; Yolanda demonstrated the cultural confidence of the Winter Olympics with authentic examples. Daniel let us follow the lovely "Bing Dwen Dwen" to review the dynamic scenes in the Winter Olympic Games. In his speech, "Together for a shared future," Dolfin used mathematical examples to represent that every bit of effort makes a significant difference. Persistence can bring about multitudinous changes, bringing the competition to a climax. Deafening applause resounded throughout the 3D cinema.

The contestants were full of spirit, full of emotion, and fluent in expression. Their infectious speeches touched the judges, teachers, and audience and gave us an incredible competition.

MYP4E Dolfin

MYP5B Yolanda
MYP5E Vivi

MYP4B Carlyn
MYP4E Andy


On the afternoon of March 11th, the FLIS students of primary school focused on the theme of "Happiness", combined with their own growth experience and what they heard and saw, and integrated their true feelings into the speech. Accompanied by a beautiful soundtrack, the contestants appeared one by one to express their understanding of happiness.

It was a moment of pure joy when Helen fell into her mother's arms and Giselle's satisfaction and keen reading ability; Ryan opportunistically captured these touching moments. Sophia enjoys the beauty of nature. Taylor's expectation was that "there is a country, a family, no war, enjoy peace". As judge May said, "The students conveyed the meaning of happiness with concrete and vivid details."

In the second half, students' speeches were also bright spots. Yoyo uses accurate details to resonate with the audience. Carson used a variety of hand gestures to describe the joy of helping injured birds. Kassie began by telling us how to get happiness and feel happy with the example of ice cream. Sarah told us that it was the happiness of the younger generation to have the opportunity to honour the elderly. Puiki told us through her performance that happiness is the encouragement from teachers and classmates and the success achieved after overcoming difficulties.

In the end, Miss Mia, the judge, fully affirmed the superb performance of the primary school students "What is happiness?" "Through vivid and concrete examples, students' sincere sharing resonates among the audience. The students behaved naturally and calmly, articulating clearly and expressing vividly. I wish you all the best in the future."

Judge Wing's review said, "after the game, such events can hold a few more students' performances; of course, there is room for improvement. Some more restraint in the game, enough practice of oral materials, some classmates in the speech are not natural. I suggest increasing more interaction with the audience's eyes; the form of the speech could have been more varied. In general, the courage to speak publicly without a script is commendable. 

G4Y  Puiki

G3  Sarah
G4G  Kassie

G5  Giselle
G2  Carson
G3  Taylor

(校报小记者:Harveych Chen,Daniel Huang,Kai Wang)

This semester, Fuzhou Lakeside International School has organized a variety of extracurricular club activities. The young reporters also wrote the press release of the speech contest of the school newspaper club. This is their first "appearance", and we look forward to their upcoming "Lakeside School Newspaper", which will lead you into the campus life of Lakeside International School.

Mr Hesron,Mr Don,Ms May