School Events丨FLIS国际日:穿越海上丝绸之路 追忆文明的相遇与共荣!

International Day


Over the past few days, the most notable large-scale event in China has been the 19th Asian Games, which opened on September 23rd in Hangzhou. But did you know that the 10th Silk Road International Film Festival was officially launched in Fuzhou on Monday? And yesterday was not only the last working day before the long vacation, but also World Maritime Day, a day meant to recognize the importance of the maritime industry.



Of course, in addition to all of the above, for the students of Fuzhou Lakeside International School (FLIS), this day is worth remembering for more reasons than just this - FLIS has organized the International Day twice, and after four years, this large-scale event, which calls for students to come into contact with, learn about, and respect the diverse international cultures and nationalities, is finally back! This time, the theme of the event is "Traveling the Maritime Silk Road".



FLIS International Day kicked off on September 28th. We hope that the International Day showcased the history, culture, cuisines, and customs of the Maritime Silk Road’s different countries and nationalities. The event featured the Maritime Silk Road Pavilion, the China Pavilion, and the Pavilions of 15 countries along the Maritime Silk Road. There were many activities in the pavilions, including traditional games, flavorful food, classic performances, etc. It is worth mentioning that this activity used shells, one of the most primitive currencies in ancient times, as the circulation currency, and students could get shells by taking part in the activities in the pavilions, which could be used for consumption. The class/house that earned the most from the shells was the winner of the Best Sales Award; at the same time, teachers of the Art Department and the Student Affairs, the students who took part in the activities, as well as their parents, selected the Best Decoration Award and the Best Popularity Award respectively!



In the first floor lobby, the library, MYP, and the High School and Academy Department collaborated to set up the Maritime Silk Road Pavilion. The beautiful boards with full English explanatory words told the history, development, culture & economic impact of the Maritime Silk Road and other related knowledge… After yesterday’s event, did you get any new understanding of the Maritime Silk Road?


我们谈到海上丝绸之路时,往往第一时间想到商路往来输送输出的货品。但经过今日的活动、在了解了海丝历史、参观体验了无数国家馆之后,给你留下最深印象的是什么?“文化相遇和接触的越多,他们交换、互相影响和发展得就越多。”千百年前,佛教沿着这一古老贸易路线来到了日本,古都奈良神社寺庙广布;史料记载,公元1世纪已有中国商人来到马来半岛,此外,明朝时已有华人在此定居,并与当地人通婚,形成了峇峇娘惹文化;中国古代高僧法显、玄奘都曾到过丝路上的世界遗产——巴基斯坦小城塔克西拉,这也是唐玄奘西游取经的最后一站,《西游记》中“西天”的原型;国际贸易对泰国文化和社会产生了种种影响,如印度文明的输入,而泰国人将之同本土的传统与其他文化元素结合,极大地丰富了泰国文化……在一轮又一轮,一个又一个国家的往来中,每个国家都通过商路为他国文化的多样性发展做出了不可忽视的贡献。盛大的活动圆满落幕,但愿走过这条大家齐心协力搭建的「FLIS mini 海丝之路」后,灿烂花火的余烬也能点亮学子们思维的通路,带来稍许文明的启迪。

When we talk about the Maritime Silk Road, the first thing that comes to mind is the goods that were transported and exported along the trade route. But after yesterday’s event, after learning about the history of the Maritime Silk Road and visiting and experiencing countless national pavilions, what has left the deepest impression on you? "The more cultures meet and come into contact, the more they exchange, influence each other and develop." Thousands of years ago, Buddhism came to Japan along this ancient trade route, and the ancient capital Nara has a wide range of temples; historical records show that Chinese traders had already come to the Malay Peninsula in the 1st century A.D. In addition, Chinese had already settled here during the Ming Dynasty and had intermarried with the locals, resulting in the formation of the Baba Nyonya culture; the ancient Chinese monks, Faxian and Xuanzang, had both traveled to the Silk Road's world heritage site - Taxila in Pakistan, which is also the last stop of Xuanzang's journey in "Journey to the West"; International trade has had various impacts on Thai culture and society, such as the import of Indian civilization, which the Thai people combined with local traditions and other cultural elements, greatly enriching Thai culture… In the rounds of exchanges from country to country, each country has contributed to the development of the diversity of other countries' cultures through the trade routes. The grand event came to a successful end, but we hope that after walking through the "FLIS Mini Maritime Silk Road ", which was constructed by everyone's concerted efforts, the experience will also light up the pathway of the students' thinking and bring a little enlightenment of civilization.



Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, an extremely important traditional festival for Chinese people all over the world. We’re sure you all experienced the strong festive atmosphere in the China Pavilion yesterday, which was set up by the Student Affairs and the Mandarin teachers, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! We wish you all a happy National Day and we will see you in October!