Voice of FLIS -VOF西湖之声


"Voice of FLIS" (VOF) t is a bridge between the school and the students, and a link that unites the students' emotions. Every morning at 8:00 a.m., the secondary radio broadcasters from the FLIS campus radio station bring you carefully prepared programs, "Morning Reading Time," "Morning News," "Lakeside Jukebox" ...... You can enjoy beautiful clips from the literary halls, learn about international and campus news, and also express your emotions and send sincere wishes to your friends and family by requesting songs.


西湖之声(VOF, the Voice of FLIS)”。这是一座连接学校与学生的桥梁,也是一条团结学子情感的纽带。每天上午八点,来自FLIS校广播站的中学播音员们为大家准时带来一个个精心准备的栏目,“晨读时光”“朝闻天下”“西湖点歌台”……你可以在此欣赏文学殿堂中的美文片段,了解国际及校园里正在发生的新闻资讯,还可以通过点歌表达情绪、为亲友送上诚挚的祝福。
