2022年5月,FLIS与美国公立名校亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University, 简称ASU)签订官方合作协议,为高中学生提供ASU大学学分课程,使FLIS的学生在高中阶段即可开始大学学分课程的学习,直通世界名校,为将来本科的学习节约时间与费用。ASU已连续七年获得全美最具创新力大学的称号,拥有一流的校友资源及学术品质,学校在航天、光学、计算机及商业管理方面均处于美国乃至世界领先地位。学校提倡学生个性化发展,学校培养的专家学者数量在全美公立大学中遥遥领先。截止目前共有3位诺贝尔奖获得者,91位福布莱特奖得主等各行各业翘楚。

In May 2022, FLIS signed an official cooperation agreement with Arizona State University (ASU) to establish the ASU College Direct Program, which allows eligible students to start their college credit courses in high school and go straight to the top U.S. schools, saving time and money for future undergraduate studies. ASU has been named the most innovative university in the United States for the seventh consecutive year, and has top-notch alumni and academic quality, with three Nobel Prize winners and 91 Fulbright Prize winners in various industries.
