Focusing|FLIS实习生计划:跨越理论与现实的天堑 找到你的热情所在!


High school is a time of exploration and growth, a period when young minds start to take their first steps toward defining their future career paths. Traditional classroom learning undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in this process, but it's the real-world experiences that truly shape a student's understanding of various industries and foster the development of essential skills. High school internships are a perfect conduit for this transformation, providing students with invaluable opportunities to learn, grow, and discover their passions.


This summer, several high school students embarked on a journey of experiential learning through internships in diverse fields. From sales management and marketing to online journalism and early childhood education, these internships enabled students to immerse themselves in their areas of interest and gain hands-on experience that will undoubtedly prove invaluable as they move forward in their educational and professional journeys.


Decathlon: Paving the Way in Sales Management



Several enthusiastic high school students recently stepped into the dynamic world of retail sales at Decathlon, a well-known sports shop. Immersed in a fast-paced environment, they were exposed to the intricacies of sales management. With guidance from seasoned professionals, these students learned the art of effective communication, customer engagement, and problem-solving. From assisting customers in finding the right sports equipment to understanding inventory management, the interns not only honed their interpersonal skills but also gained insights into the intricate world of business operations. Moreover, the interns experienced firsthand the importance of teamwork and adaptability in a retail setting, qualities that will undoubtedly serve them well in their future careers.



DiamondDream Bookstore: Unveiling the Secrets of Marketing



Five students dived headfirst into the world of marketing at DiamondDream Bookstore, a haven for literature enthusiasts. Their internship journey was a lesson in creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking. These students were tasked with creating and implementing marketing campaigns to attract more readers to the bookstore. From crafting engaging in-store displays to developing oversize promotional posters, they experienced the power of effective storytelling and its role in capturing the audience's attention. This immersive experience not only equipped them with essential marketing skills but also struck their creative sparks, igniting their passion for building connections through compelling narratives.



Fuzhou South East Network: Navigating the Realm of Journalism



In a digital era, journalism has evolved beyond print, embracing the online landscape. Three ambitious students ventured into the world of online journalism at Fuzhou South East Network. Guided by professional journalists, they learned how to use their bilingual skills for editing, how to research online information, quickly recognize the general idea of an article's paragraphs, and clearly express their needs to their colleagues. This internship not only enhanced their writing prowess but also taught them a lot about the right way to socialize.

在FLIS幼儿园实习:培育幼儿 培育未来

FLIS ECE Department: Nurturing the Future through Early Childhood Education


五名学生怀着对教育和培育幼儿的热情,开启了在 FLIS幼儿园的实习之旅。他们的实习经历围绕观察、协助和接触幼儿展开。从备课、课堂管理到营造良好的育人环境,这些学生深入了解了幼儿教育这一令人受益匪浅的领域。通过与幼儿的互动,他们培养了耐心、同理心以及根据个人需求调整教学方法的能力。这次经历不仅坚定了他们对教育的承诺,还让他们了解到教师对塑造幼儿的深远影响。有名学生甚至在实习期间代替身体不适的教师,独立为小朋友们上了一堂课!

Five students, driven by a passion for education and nurturing young minds, embarked on an internship journey at the FLIS Early Childhood Education Department. Their experience revolved around observing, assisting, and engaging with young learners. From lesson planning and classroom management to fostering a nurturing environment, these students gained insight into the rewarding field of early childhood education. Through their interactions with young children, they developed patience, empathy, and the ability to adapt their teaching methods to individual needs. This experience not only solidified their commitment to education but also provided a glimpse into the profound impact teachers can have on shaping young lives. One student was even able to deliver a lesson by himself during the week, covering for a teacher who had fallen sick during the work day!



In each of these internship experiences, responsibility played a significant role. The students were entrusted with real-world tasks, requiring them to manage their time, resources, and responsibilities effectively. Beyond skills specific to their chosen fields, they learned the importance of accountability, reliability, and teamwork. These internships laid the foundation for future success by fostering a strong work ethic and instilling the confidence needed to tackle challenges head-on.


总之,高中实习在理论知识和现实操作之间架起了一座桥梁,让学生发现自己的兴趣,培养基本技能,并学会承担责任。迪卡侬、大梦书屋、福州东南网和 FLIS 幼儿园的实习充分体现了实践经验的对人的影响与改变,为学生提供了在所选领域取得优异成绩所需的技能。随着这些年轻人的不断成长,他们的实习经历无疑将成为迈向充实、有影响力的职业生涯的一大助力。

In conclusion, high school internships offer a bridge between theoretical knowledge and real-world application, allowing students to discover their interests, develop essential skills, and learn responsibility. The internships at Decathlon, DiamondDream Bookstore, Fuzhou South East Network, and FLIS Early Childhood Education Department exemplify the transformative power of hands-on experiences, providing students with the tools they need to excel in their chosen fields. As these young minds continue to grow and thrive, their internship experiences will undoubtedly serve as stepping stones toward fulfilling and impactful careers.