School Events丨第六届年度英语拼词大赛圆满落幕!

Spelling Bee


On Friday 12 May 2023, FLIS held its sixth annual spelling bee. Presided over by primary school teachers Imogen Sharpe, Ellis Clavane and Patrick Moriarty, 18 students from third grade to MYP 3 took part in the contest. 



The spelling bee rounds proceeded from the preliminary rounds, to quarter-final, semi-final, and finally, final. All of the rounds were needed as the students spelt word after word with confidence. Only three students were knocked out in the first round, so all the preliminaries were needed to whittle the group down to eight for the quarter-finals.  


随着四分之一决赛拉开序幕,裁判给出的单词也越来越难,我们也对规则进行了相应微调。在这一轮中,每个选手可以拿到三个单词,拼出其一即可。竞争逐渐进入白热化阶段,最终,三名实力超群的学子站到了决赛:来自四年级的Tony, 来自MYP1的Sally与同样来自MYP1的Giselle. 又几轮激烈角逐后,Tony同学勇夺第三名,他已经击败了多位高年级学长学姐,恭喜Tony! Sally同学摘得第二名,Giselle同学则卫冕成功,成为两届FLIS英语拼词大赛冠军。让我们恭喜所有参赛选手,明年英语拼词大赛再见!

As the quarter-finals began and the contest arrived at increasingly difficult words, there was a slight change to the layout. Rather than being given one word, students were given a choice of three words. Still more spellers fell out of contention until there were only three left, Tony from fourth grade, Sally from MYP 1 and Giselle, also from MYP 1. Having beaten out many opponents from higher grades than he, Tony eventually came third. Sally came second, and Giselle retained her crown from the previous year, becoming a two time spelling bee champion.
