FLIS TALK丨2023年优秀毕业生经验分享:兴趣是最佳驱动力


上周,近期刚刚收获美国多所顶尖学府录取通知书的Daniel同学来到FLIS TALK, 通过精心准备的演讲与大家分享了多年来在福州西湖国际学校所学所获,以及珍贵的升学经验。

Last week, Daniel, who has recently been accepted to several top schools in the U.S., came to FLIS TALK and gave a well-prepared speech to share what he has learned over the years at Fuzhou Lakeside International School, as well as his valuable experience in further education.


说到FLIS TALK, Daniel同学与这个栏目倒是缘分匪浅:作为听众,他通过之前的讲座了解到iGEM(国际遗传工程机器设计竞赛,麻省理工学院于2004年首创的世界级合成生物学竞赛)并参与其中;作为采访主持,他与嘉宾就药物研发展开深入对谈;如今作为主讲人,他又将自己这些年的成长娓娓道来,同与大家分享。

When it comes to the FLIS TALK, Daniel's relationship with this column is very close: as an audience member, Daniel learned about iGEM (Internationally Genetically Engineered Machine, a world-class synthetic biology competition pioneered by MIT in 2004) through previous lectures and participated in it; as an interviewer, he had in-depth conversations with guests about the pharmaceutical industry; and now as a speaker, he shares his own growth over the years with other students.


Up until he was nine years old, Daniel's health was not very good. At that time, he had to go to the hospital several times a month and listened to the cries of other children in the clinic and ward. While he was frustrated, he started to think about what he could do, such as understanding more about the structure of the human body and improving human health. His interest in physiology sprouted from there. After entering FLIS, Daniel was introduced to biology by his then science teacher Mr. Cyrus. Afterwards, through independent exploration, lectures, activities, competitions, etc., he further refined and clarified his current research interests, and accordingly determined three directions of college applications: nutritional science, neuroscience and microbiology.



The first thing that strikes many FLIS teachers when they think of Daniel is that he is a very disciplined student. Daniel's self-discipline may be due to his family tradition. According to him, he, his parents and brother have a tradition that has been in place for many years: family monthly meeting. There are three sections in the meeting: Financial accounting (Daniel and his brother), PDCA plan or sort of KPI Excel (Daniel and Brother), book sharing (all four). This family meeting has played a significant role in Daniel's life, not only bringing him closer to his family and modifying his financial awareness, but also allowing him to be self-disciplined and self-reflective at the same time.



But when asked, Daniel doesn't think he's all that disciplined. He believes that when he is interested in something and sees the rewards of action - when the goal is set - the planning and execution will follow. Daniel would like to describe himself as "open-minded". This open-mindedness is reflected in his interest in new things (including Wing Chun, Wuyi Mountain tea culture, etc., which few of his peers are involved in), his openness to gains and losses, and his habit of not seeing challenges as challenges, but rather facing them with a mindset of trying.


Interest is one of the key words that Daniel advises FLIS students on: it is the best driving force. Interest can help you find your goal, and applying the knowledge you are interested in to your life can help you maintain that interest and create the motivation to keep going. So, is it harder to find a goal, or is it harder to make a plan, or even stick to it? Daniel's answer is that the hardest part is persistence. Many times, the sense of meaninglessness when completing tasks that don't produce results in the short term is often devastating, which is one of the reasons he gave another suggestion in his talk - to split tasks and set rewards in stages. Because this helps to form a positive psychological cycle, so that people feel that the completion of each small goal is rewarded, so that they can persist for a long time to achieve the ultimate goal.



During the exchange, Daniel also mentioned the help he received from FLIS. He still remembers that when he first entered FLIS, the foreign homeroom teacher let everyone sit around and talk before class, which didn't take long, but it worked wonders to bring them closer together. His worries about speaking in English gradually disappeared; the variety of teaching and extracurricular activities has helped him to be more outgoing than he used to be, and to grow in academic confidence. In Daniel's opinion, the small class sizes at FLIS allow teachers to give each student enough attention, and the customized education plans are more conducive to students' further education and growth. Perhaps, in the process of numerous seemingly "casual talks", he has also gained a lot of valuable advice.


此次FLIS TALK中,Daniel为学弟学妹分享的宝贵经验还有许多。我们将于近期在官方视频号放出全场视频,敬请期待!也再次祝贺Daniel同学收获多封顶尖学府录取通知书,若人生是绵延不绝的定向游戏,愿他能行至开阔处,在过程中收获更多精彩、更多可能性。我们下期FLIS TALK再见!

In this FLIS TALK, Daniel shared many more valuable experiences for FLIS students. We will be releasing the full video on the official video account soon, so stay tuned! If life is an endless game of orienteering, we hope he will be able to walk to the open place and gain more excitement and possibilities in the process. See you in the next FLIS TALK!
