FLIS TALK丨后疫情时代,如果世上没有药物会如何?

去年末今年初,刚刚经历过一轮疫情爆发的大家一定还对彼时某些对症药物“一药难求”的情形记忆犹新。如果世上没有药物会如何?我们将如何捱过病痛折磨?不知大家可曾思考过此类问题呢?这期FLIS TALK,我们请到了福建省妇幼保健院主任药师,曾留美多年、从事抗血栓与止血药物监护工作的张进华教授(博士),为学子们讲解制药的演变。

At the end of last year and the beginning of this year, the outbreak of the epidemic must still be fresh in the minds of all of us who have just experienced the "hard to find" situation of certain symptomatic drugs. What would happen if there were no drugs in the world? How would we survive the pain and suffering of illness? Have you ever thought about these questions? In this Wednesday’s FLIS TALK, we invited Prof. Jinhua Zhang (Ph.D.), Chief Pharmacist of Fujian Provincial Maternity and Children’s Hospital, who has stayed in the United States for many years and worked on the monitoring of antithrombotic and hemostatic drugs, to explain the evolution of research and development of drugs to the students.



Professor Zhang first interacted with MYP students through a few light-hearted questions. What are medications? What kind of medications do people use to relieve their pain when they got Covid-19? Some drugs come in different forms such as capsules, and some drugs come in different flavors to make them more palatable (ice cream, strawberry ......). Or furthermore, what would our life be without drugs? Following this clue, Prof. Zhang started from the three stages of drug discovery: for thousands of years, human beings could only obtain herbs directly from nature, for example, Shennong tasted the hundred herbs, but with the development of science and technology, drug discovery ushered in the era of standardized production, we were able to extract active ingredients from plants and animals, microorganisms. Then came the new era of synthetic drugs, we can use man-made chemicals to create drugs.



Next, Prof. Zhang went on to explain to the audience the evolution of drug development technology one after another, using the three revolutions in malignant tumor treatment and the history of vaccine growth as examples. Spanning thousands of years of history, the story of drug development also came to contemporary times and even closer to our lives - after all, after the past three years, vaccine development is clearly one of the issues that many people are concerned about. In this way, Professor Zhang also made the students feel the importance of drug development.


张教授的宣讲以希望更多新生力量投入制药行业为结尾。讲座结束后,她欣然接受了FLIS高中部有志于生物行业的Daniel同学的采访。此次采访堪称“干货十足”,比如,张教授透露,自己之所以选择抗凝血药物相关研究专业,是因为病人用这类药物的风险相对较大,剂量过大或不足都可能导致不可挽回的严重后果,非常需要药师的参与及管理。张教授这种积极寻找、应对挑战的态度,正与FLIS IB(MYP)项目培养目标不谋而合:risk-taker! 

Professor Zhang concluded her presentation with the hope that more new students will enter the pharmaceutical industry. After the lecture, she was pleased to be interviewed by Daniel, a FLIS High School student aspiring to biology major. For example, Prof. Zhang revealed that she chose to specialize in anticoagulant-related research because of the relatively high risks associated with the use of such drugs, which can lead to irreversible and serious consequences if the dose is too high or insufficient, and the involvement and management of pharmacists is highly needed. Prof. Zhang's attitude of actively seeking and tackling challenges is in line with the learner profile of the FLIS IB (MYP) program: risk-taker! 

药物的诞生有效降低了疾病死亡率,大大增加了人口平均寿命。制药固然是艰巨、孤独且耗时漫长的行业,可但凡有所突破,势必能为全人类带来巨大福祉。希望今日的讲座能帮助大家了解这一行,也为大家的职业选择带来些许启发。我们下次FLIS TALK见!

The creation of drugs has effectively reduced mortality from disease and greatly increased the average life expectancy of the population. Pharmaceuticals are a difficult, lonely, and time-consuming industry, but any breakthrough will bring great benefits to all of humanity. We hope today's talk will help you understand the industry and inspire you in your career choices. See you at the next FLIS TALK!