School Events丨FLIS 2024科学展:勇于求知 不要输给你的想象力!


福州西湖国际学校2024科学展于近日举行。琳琅满目的实验展板彰显了 FLIS 学子在创意、科学和工程领域的惊人才华。

The FLIS 2024 STEAM Fair recently took place, displaying the incredible talents of FLIS students in the fields of creativity, science, and engineering. The event was a celebration of innovation and ingenuity, showcasing a wide array of projects and inventions.



From exciting balloon-powered cars, to experiments on what is the optimal basketball shooting form, this STEAM Fair had it all. Visitors were treated to a variety of experiments and engineering designs, highlighting the students’ passion for learning and exploration.


小学部首先亮出作品,接受了评审的评估,他们确实没有辜负大家的期待。所有参赛学生都非常投入,对小组的作品感到兴奋。获得第一名的是 George Lin、Tony Wang、Eason Seven Lin 和 Roy Lian同学的小组实验,他们研究的问题是:网球的温度如何影响其弹跳力?获得第二名的是 Andy Li、David Zhang 和 Romeo Schroeder同学,他们测试了不同品牌的电池,试图找出最耐用的那一种。洗手真的能减少手部细菌吗?Sarah Li、Ashley Wang、Angela Chen 和 Coco Wong同学就此展开的实验获得了第三名。

Primary was up first in the judging and they really delivered. All of the students that participated were extremely engaged and excited about their projects. First place went to George Lin, Tony Wang, Eason Seven Lin, and Roy Lian who investigated the question- How does the temperature of a tennis ball affect its bounce?  2nd place went to Andy Li, David Zhang, and Romeo Schroeder who investigated which battery lasts longest? 3rd place went to Sarah Li, Ashley Wang, Angela Chen, and Coco Wong who investigated how much washing your hands reduces the bacteria vs not washing them.


接下来接受评估的是中学部MYP学子。MYP2 Oliva Zheng和Mia Liu同学的实验展板是此次科技展的佼佼者。狗狗的嘴巴和人类的嘴巴相比,哪个更干净?人类会因为天天刷牙而有优势吗?两位同学设计了严谨的实验论证自己的猜想。另一个精彩的实验来自 MYP2 Sally Wu和Yuhom Wei同学设计的“绿豆传奇”,她们探索了绿豆的生长环境:是在光线充足的地方生长得更好,还是在黑暗的地方生长得更好?结果或许出人意料。同样以植物为研究对象,MYP1 的 Steve Sun、Rain Lin 和 Viya Wang同学将落脚点放在音乐上,探讨了不同类型的音乐对植物生长的影响。

Next up was MYP. One of the stand outs of the fair was a project by MYP2’s  Oliva Zheng and Mia Liu. They explored the question of which was cleaner- a dog or a human’s mouth? Another fantastic project was MYP2’s Sally Wu and Yuhom Wei’s- The Saga of the Mung Bean where they explored the question of whether Mung beans would grow better in dark or light. MYP1’s Steve Sun, Rain Lin, and Viya Wang also dealt with plants and investigated whether soft or rock music would have more of an effect on the plant’s growth.


最后,MYP5的Leah Chen, Angel Huang, Lizzy Ye 和 Alice Zheng同学也提交了他们的作品。这几位同学的实验非常出色,探讨了“如何烹饪出最美味的牛排”这一老问题。

Last but not least, MYP5 had one entry submitted by Leah Chen, Angel Huang, Lizzy Ye, and Alice Zheng. Their experiment was excellent and explored the age-old question of how to cook the best steak.

总而言之,FLIS 2024科学展取得了圆满成功!学生们的创造力、科学和工程能力都得到了盛赞。这一活动提醒我们,每个学生都蕴藏着惊人的潜能,正等待着通过努力、专注和对学习的热情释放出来。

Overall, the FLIS 2024 STEAM Fair was a resounding success that celebrated the students’ power of creativity, science, and engineering. It was a reminder of the incredible potential that lies within each student waiting to be unleashed through hard work, dedication, and a passion for learning.

 2024科学展 获奖名单 


· Primary 小学部 ·

1st Place 

George Lin, Tony Wang, Eason Seven Lin, Roy Lain

2nd Place 

Andy Li, David Zhang, Romeo Schroeder

3rd Place  

Sarah Li, Ashley Wang, Angela Chen, Coco Wong

· Secondary 中学部 ·

(MYP were awarded based on scores 6-8)



6- Leah Chen, Angel Huang, Lizzy Ye, Alice Zheng


7- Eric Ye, Julius Lin, Vindy Wang; Isabella Zheng, Sonia Chen      

6- Bonnie Guo, Viola Chen, Xavira Chen


7- Stacy Chen, Jenny She    

6- Kathryn Chen; Cici Li, Sharon Liao, Wendy Zheng, Alicia Liu


7- Olivia Zheng, Mia Liu; Sally Wu, Yuhom Wei  

6- Ryan Liu, Simeon Abur, Daniel Arce; Aina Shiba; Abby Xie, Bella Lin; Yunnie Poh; Hebe Bi, Emily Wang


7- Steve Sun, Rain Lin, Viya Wang