School News丨携手向未来 2023-2024学年正式启动!

福州西湖国际学校于8月28日迎来了2023-2024学年开学日!作为FLIS正式成为IB MYP世界学校之后的第一个学年,我们应景地选择了"Let’s Start Something New Together"为主题。求新,协作,十周年已成过去,FLIS仍在教育之路上孜孜耕耘。只要不断确立目标,前方的道路便可无限延伸。

Fuzhou Lakeside International School (FLIS) celebrated the start of the 2023-2024 school year on August 28th! Since this is the first school year after FLIS officially became an IB MYP World School, we have chosen the theme "Let's Start Something New Together".  Improved and collaborative, FLIS is still on the road to education now that our 10th anniversary is behind us. As long as we continue to set goals, the road ahead is limitless.


开学典礼上,学部校长Coyne先生回顾了过去的成就与未来的创新:实现了成为IB MYP世界学校的承诺之后,新学年,FLIS小学部将开始准备申请成为IB PYP世界学校,目前计划从大班开始实施PYP教学,一直持续至五年级。高中&学院部与亚利桑那州立大学合作的ASU大学学分项目也将继续进行,让学子在获得FLIS高中文凭的同时,还能获得大学学分。此外,通过前往将乐天籁蛟湖国际研学基地及CAASEL情商中心等地开展活动,我们致力于为学子扩大体验式学习机会……

During the opening ceremony, Mr. Coyne, the Academic Principal for FLIS, reviewed past achievements and future goals. After fulfilling the promise of becoming an IB MYP World School, during our new school year, FLIS Primary School will begin preparing to become an IB PYP World School. FLIS is currently planning on starting the PYP in kindergarten and continuing through grade 5. The High School and Academy program have made strong connections with Arizona State University’s online education. As the students work towards their FLIS high school diploma, they will be able to earn college credits, while being supported by high school staff. In addition, we are also expanding our experiential learning opportunities by providing activities at our Jiangle and CAASEL campuses, as well as through field trips into the surrounding community.



FLIS has always been an advocate of strong home-school collaboration, and along the way, we would not have been able to turn our ambitious goals into reality without open minds, genuine trust, and continuous communication. We are grateful for the warm support of our faculty, staff, students, and parents. In order to strengthen the bonds and interactions of the FLIS family, we prepared a number of activities for the opening day of the school year, so that students and their parents could not only learn about the academic programs at FLIS, but also become aware of the extracurricular activities at FLIS.



MYP teachers prepared an exhibition in the Student Center to introduce the curriculum. In the past, students were required to make display boards to explain their hypotheses, processes, and results to the judges in the annual STEAM fair. This time, the teachers made beautiful display boards explaining in detail the faculty members, learning contents, and approaches to learning of each subject. Teachers were also eager to answer many questions from the students and their parents. We hope you didn't miss this great opportunity to get started with IB!


IB课程项目通过提供均衡的课程,将学术标准与个人发展相结合,鼓励学生成为积极主动、有同情心的终身学习者。除了课堂内的学习,我校还通过一系列的活动和举措将IB的教育理念延伸到课堂之外,Virginia老师通过讲座"课堂之外:IB系统如何塑造人格?" 阐明了这一点;在高中&学院部说明会上,Stream老师同样为家长详细解析了ASU大学学分项目。

By offering a balanced curriculum that combines academic standards with personal development, the IB system encourages students to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners. In our school, we extend the IB philosophy beyond the classroom through a range of activities and initiatives. Ms. Virginia illustrated this point through her lecture “Beyond the Classroom: How Does the IB System Shape Personality?”, at the High School and Academy Orientation. Ms. Stream also explained the ASU College Credit Program in detail for parents.



At 4:30pm, the outdoor FLIS Bazaar was already bustling with activity. The school teams & clubs Recruitment started here, with 15 booths lined up, and all the leaders were in action, hoping to recruit more like-minded enthusiasts for the new school year's teams! We hope that you have chosen your favorite extracurricular program, and don't forget to sign up before the deadline!


"Let’s Start Something New Together", 开启新的篇章之前,我们必须握紧彼此的双手,向着同一个未来一起努力。感谢大家参与福州西湖国际学校2023-2024开学日活动。这是FLIS的第十二年,相信我们一定会越来越好!

"Let's Start Something New Together", before starting a new chapter, we must hold each other's hands tightly and work together towards the same future. Thank you for your participation in the FLIS 2023-2024 Opening Day. Fuzhou Lakeside International School has been in operation for 10 years, and each year we get better and better!
