Summer Camp | CAASEL夏令营:古城稚子的奇妙研学之旅

2021 CAASEL STEAM · City Culture Study Summer Camp

7月18日,正值第44届世界遗产大会在福州如火如荼召开之际,2021年CAASEL STEAM·城市文化寻根夏令营在三坊七巷圆满落幕!时隔一周再度见到家人,小营员们难掩欣喜之情,立刻快乐地与爸妈分享收获的奖状与连日来的作品;也有小朋友舍不得与才熟悉起来的小伙伴、老师分别,悄悄哭红了眼眶……孩子们在这段短暂而丰富的时光中创造了怎样的回忆?一起随镜头回顾吧!

On July 18, the 2021 CAASEL STEAM · City Culture Study Summer Camp came to a successful conclusion at Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, just as the Extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee was in full swing in Fuzhou! After a week of not seeing their families, the young campers could not hide their happiness and immediately shared their awards and works with their parents happily. Some of children, however, were very sad to part with their friends and teachers they had only just gotten to know. What kind of memories did our little campers create during this short but rich time? Let's review together with these photos!

The STEAM camp was designed around the themes of animals, water, magnetic fields, math and chemistry. These themes were all engaging and full of scientific knowledge, they also exercised the children's hands-on skills. Under the guidance of the foreign teachers, the campers used soda water to make "lava" out of a "lemon volcano", and chocolate bean cans to build "rockets" that could fly high up into the air. Our little artists also showed their talents in the art class, and each child used brushes to express his or her unique self in the watercolor world. Teachers were particularly impressed by the baking class. This was perhaps the first time that many children were systematically exposed to various ingredients and seasonings. Common items like salt, sugar and brown sugar, were very interesting to the students. Exclamations such as, “So this is how brown sugar tastes!”, rang out during the cooking lessons. The class left an impression on their taste buds and brain cells!

Given the scorching weather, we arranged indoor swimming and kayaking programs for the children in the late afternoon when the summer heat had subsided. The energetic campers took to these programs like fish in water. Each student gave their best effort. Some of them fell in love with the blue world upon first contact with the water, and other children showed off their talents in these programs and were praised by the coach.

Over the weekend, the two-day summer study program "City Culture Retrace Tour" kicked off, which was customized by Fuzhou Lakeside International School in cooperation with Three Lanes and Seven Alleys. The children were led by tour guide Ms. You to walk through the streets and alleys, going deep into an ancient house, listening to the stories of the past, and learning about the past lives of old houses. Gray sculpture, saddle walls, snow caves, these unfamiliar architectural terms originally contained the subtle aesthetics and wisdom of the ancients- aged trees in front of the court quietly witnessed this lesson. The next day, the campers were delighted by the experience of visiting the Wenru Car Museum and the Chinese Commercial Stamp Exhibition Hall. There are so many interesting pavilions hidden in Three Lanes and Seven Alleys! In addition, since the Extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee was held in Fuzhou, our campers took the opportunity to experience various traditional folk crafts: making meat swallows under the guidance of a Tongli meat swallows heir, and learning traditional folk handicrafts with masters of sugar painting, dough figurine, and oil-paper umbrella making. Little by little, the campers seemed to have a deeper understanding of this thousand-year-old city.

For many of the campers, this was their first short term stay away from home. Their roommates may have been new friends they had just met, and the daily camp activities were a whole new area they had never been exposed to before. Everything was a challenge. But surprisingly, the kids not only adapted to the camp life quickly, but also brought a lot of surprises to everyone. The dormitory atmosphere of campers of similar age is very friendly and they often played together, but it was also touching to see how the campers of different ages helped each other: the older ones helped the children blow-dry their hair and brought them into group activities.

For a period of time, members of CAASEL summer camp witnessed the sunset of the Min River breaking through the sky and appreciated the swelling and burgeoning clouds in the summer. In the camp where people and nature lived in harmony, the children's sense of exploration grew quietly and steadily. In a seemingly short week, children experienced many new projects and tasted many different flavors. The young girls and boys, who set out with great anticipation, seemed to be no different- but also seemed to be different. Perhaps this is what it means to be away from home for a while, to grow up after exploring, to sow a seed on a green field.

We hope this experience has also embellished your life like a shining decoration.

Thank you for choosing us and we wish you a wonderful summer holiday!