School News丨第三届屈原杯诗歌朗诵比赛完美落幕!

the 3rd Qu Yuan Chinese Poetry Reading Contest


On June 30, 2021, the 3rd Qu Yuan Chinese Poetry Reading Contest at Fuzhou Lakeside International School came to a perfect end.

我校诚挚邀请福建师范大学教务处副处长宋原副教授、ASDAN商赛初中组冠军我校八年级学生Daniela Huang,以及全国研究生微课大赛文化组一等奖获得者林唱老师作为本次比赛的评委。
Our school cordially invited Associate Professor Song Yuan, Deputy Director of Academic Affairs of Fujian Normal University, G8 Daniela Huang, the gold medal winner of ASDAN Business Simulation Junior Group, and Ms. Lin Chang, the first prize winner of the Culture Group of the National Postgraduate Weike Competition, to be the judges of this Contest.

In this Contest, all the young reciters were full of emotion, with excellent performance showcasing their talents, leaving a deep impression on the audience and the judges.

比赛随着一、二年级学生灵动活泼的《古诗新唱》拉开序幕,G5 Hebe的《面朝大海,春暖花开》为在场每一个人带来春日的希望,随后,BobbyZ用《蓝萤火》让我们梦回童年;来自一年级的三位小朋友用稚嫩的嗓音表达自己对于广阔美好世界的向往《我多想去看看》;“少年强则国强”,G5的Henry用《少年中国说(节选)》让我们看到少年独有的朝气蓬勃;在MYP3 Lucy动听悦耳的声音中,我们看到“悠长悠长的雨巷”……
The Contest kicked off with the dynamic and lively "New Singing of Ancient Poems" by the first and second graders. G5 Hebe's "Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms" brought the hope of spring to everyone present, followed by BobbyZ's "Blue Firefly", which brought us back to our childhood; the three children from the first grade expressed their longing for a wide and beautiful world with their tender voices, "How I Want to See the World". Henry from G5 showed us the unique vigor of teenagers with "Young Chinese Speaks (excerpt)"; in the beautiful voice of MYP3 Lucy, we saw "The Long, Long, Long Rainy Lane". 

During the Contest, Associate Professor Song Yuan gave his detailed professional feedback on the wonderful performances of the contestants.


一等奖 1st
G5 Henry《少年中国说》(节选)
MYP3 Dolfin《将进酒》

二等奖 2nd
G3 Kassie《彩色的中国》
G1 Joy Carson Sophia Elsa《我多想去看看》
G3 Steve《我们奇妙的世界》

三等奖 3rd
G3 Puiki Scarlett《铺满金色巴掌的水泥道》
MYP2 Christina《面朝大海,春暖花开》
G4 Emily《白桦》
G5 Stacy《四季之美》

We thank all the students for their participation and the teachers and parents for their full support and coaching! See you next year, and we look forward to more brilliant performances!