
School Meals/ Dining Hall

The cafeteria, besides being a lunchroom, is also a place where good human relations can be developed. Each student is expected to practice good manners and personal responsibility in the cafeteria. Simple rules of courteous behavior are: leaving the table and the surrounding area clean and orderly, replacing chairs, and putting trash in the proper containers.

There will be at least one teacher assigned to supervise student lunch period every day.

The lunch duty teacher may assign students special corrective actions when students break the rules. (i.e... Extra cleanup or timeouts)

Dining Hall Notices:


1.      FLIS strives to provide attractive, healthy and nutritious meals to both students and staff.

2.      Grades 1- shall eat lunch from 11:20 to 11:50

3.      Grades 6-11 shall eat lunch from 11:50 to 12:15.

4.      Students should line up in an orderly fashion and choose the allowed items for lunch.

5.      Students should never run in the cafeteria

6.      Students should not yell or make loud noises in the cafeteria.

7.      Students should not waste food. If you eat all you take, then you may ask for more.

8.      Students should clean up their places of all debris and or trash before leaving the dining hall.

9.      Students are not allowed to play with or throw food.

10.    If any item of food or drink is spilt on the floor, table or chair, it is the duty of the student responsible to clear up the spillage immediately, in order to minimize the inconvenience caused to others using the dining room.

11.    Students need to return trays to the proper area, stack them neatly, and discard waste in the trash bin before leaving the cafeteria.

12.    Students are not allowed to take food outside of the cafeteria.

13.    Students may purchase snacks (when available) from the cafeteria or other areas, only at lunch time or after club time has finished. (not between classes)







1.      福州西湖国际学校为学生及教职工提供美味、健康且营养的食物。

2.      幼儿园将会在指定区域用餐。

3.      一至六年级学生用餐时间为在11:4512:05

4.      七至十年级学生用餐时间为12:0512:30

5.      学生在就餐时应排队,并按需合理挑选食物。

6.      学生不应在餐厅奔跑。

7.      学生不应在餐厅大声吵闹、制造噪音。

8.      学生应珍惜食物。在全部吃完后可续餐。

9.      在离开餐厅前,学生应将座位清理干净。

10.    学生不允许丢掷食物取乐。

11.    若有在地板、桌椅间有食物或饮品溢出,为了减少他人使用餐厅的不便,学生应立即清理干净。

12.    学生应将餐具归还至指定区域并摆放整洁。在离开餐厅前将垃圾倒在垃圾桶里。

13.    学生不将食物带出餐厅。

14.    只有在午餐或社团活动结束之后,学生可以从餐厅或其他区域购买点心。(课间不允许)