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School Events | 燃烧吧青春!首届FLIS学院奥运会顺利落幕!

House Olympics

4月25日,福州西湖国际学校中学部举办了首届学院奥运会!在此次学院运动会中,学生们不仅在运动中强健了体魄,也充分发挥了奋勇拼搏的精神!上午同学们通过十项小游戏比拼,各凭本事为学院争取分数,这些分数将累积计入下午的总分里,并最终决出一二三四名。午餐后,学生们返回各自学院为接下来举行的半决赛与决赛设计口号、制作标语。半决赛与决赛由足球赛及篮球赛,两项运动构成。即时积分前二的学院可自选半决赛参赛运动!两场半决赛后,Arc学院与Tesla学院排名前二,他们以剪刀石头布决胜,胜者获得了选择决赛项目的权利——而没有被选择的那项运动,将成为三四名决赛的项目。最终,Arc学院与Tesla学院决定通过篮球赛决胜,而Fibonacci学院与 Hurston学院则通过足球赛决出三四名归属。祝贺Hurston学院,他们在全部项目结束后获得了第一名!二三四名则分别属于Arc学院,Tesla学院及Fibonacci学院!也祝贺你们!
On April 25th, the FLIS Houses of secondary competed in the first annual House Olympics. This all-day event allowed the students to show not only their athletic side, but their competitive side as well! In the morning the students played a mixture of ten mini games to accumulate points for the afternoon. Once the points were tallied, the Houses were put into a first, second, third or fourth place. After lunch, the students went to their House rooms to create signs and make chants for the afternoon semi-final and final games. The semi-finals and finals were made up of two events: soccer and basketball. The first and second place teams got to pick which sport they wanted to play for the semi-finals. After two great games the results came in that Arc House and Tesla House had won their respective games. Those two houses faced off in a “rock, paper, scissors” match to figure out which House would pick the final game to determine the first and second place teams. The sport not picked was the sport played to find out the 3rd and 4th place teams. The final basketball game was between Arc and Tesla Houses and the final soccer game was between Fibonacci and Hurston Houses. The results were: 1st place – Hurston, 2nd place – Arc, 3rd place – Tesla, 4th place- Fibonacci. 

After the Houses finished the finals, a point ceremony was held. The winning house, Hurston, was awarded medals for their efforts. As a reward to all the houses for their hard work, the students were surprised with a water fight on the soccer field at the end of the day. A successful House Olympics is officially in the FLIS books!