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School Events丨FLIS开放日亮点全解析!欢迎走进我们的校园~


福州西湖国际学校于三月十二日至三月十四日举行了开放日(Open House)活动。在美式教育体系中,开放日当天,家长可以进入教室观摩孩子的课堂,了解学校的教学方式、日常活动与校园氛围。此次FLIS精心筹备的开放日活动可谓亮点多多!一起随照片回顾吧~
Fuzhou Lakeside International School held an Open House from March 12 to March 14. In the tradition of the American education system, an Open House is an event that permits parents to visit the classroom to observe their children's classes and learn about the school's teaching methods, daily activities, and the campus atmosphere. The FLIS Open Day had many highlights! Let's take a look!

On the day of the ECE, or Early Childhood Education, Open House, we extended a special invitation to the advocate of the ‘Parent-child Reading Together’ program, the former host of Fujian News, Ms. Wang Yuan, to introduce the different linguistic stages of children and some advice on how to teach children to improve their linguistic competence. Parents should encourage children to speak more, even if they speak incorrectly or pronounce incorrectly. It doesn't matter. She advised parents to ask their children to speak in sentences, instead of single words, and to talk to children in a vivid tone. Ms. Wang also stressed the importance of creating a good language environment at home, and she shared with the parents many ways to make children fall in love with reading and develop ‘parent-child reading’ habits. We hope these tips are enlightening for parents! After that, the parents visited the kindergarten and watched their children’s daily classes.

The second day was the Open House for Primary. Ms. Mia, director of the Mandarin Department, came on the stage to introduce the FLIS Mandarin Department. Ms. Mia explained that the school prepares several sets of textbooks for students at different Mandarin levels, to ensure everyone can keep pace with the progress of Mandarin learning. At the same time, the school also prepares many supplementary teaching materials to teach children more about Chinese culture and history. Ms. Mia also showed the guests our innovative Mandarin teaching method. During the learning process, children can not only expand their thinking, but also practice their hands-on ability. Meanwhile, Ms. Juno, director of CAASEL, the Collaborative Arts & Academic Social Emotional Learning center, introduced our school’s second campus, the CAASEL center to the parents. At CAASEL students are exposed to different kinds of art, such as painting, sculpture, calligraphy, and drama, and get close to nature in order to broaden students’ horizons. Ms. Juno ended her speech with a proverb, “Lucky kids enrich their life with their childhood, while unlucky kids spend their whole life attempting to cure their childhood.” FLIS students are very lucky. They can grow up here, happy and confident!

The Secondary Open Day invited student representatives to introduce the FLIS brand new house system to parents. Student representatives from each of the four houses took the stage one by one to explain the origin of the name of their houses, the symbols, and the implications of their house-colors.

Ms. Juno also introduced the CAASEL center to Secondary parents. Flower arrangement, calligraphy, sculpture, pottery and other art courses offered at CAASEL have greatly enriched students' lives, and developed their ability to recognize beauty.

It is hoped that this Open House will help parents better understand the FLIS educational philosophy and promote family-school communication. FLIS encourages parents to establish positive communication with schools and provide more help for students' all-round development. In the future, FLIS will have more activities like these. We are looking forward to your continued participation!