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Kindergarten to Primary Transition

As soon as the spring semester starts, many kindergarten parents begin to think about their children’s transition to primary school. Since students that make the transition from Kindergarten to Primary face a variety of challenges, it is important for parents to understand this developmental process. How can parents ensure their children make a smooth transition and reduce the stress caused by a new environment? At the end of February, Fuzhou Lakeside International School held an informative session to help parents better understand this transition.

Fuzhou Lakeside International School Principal Jerry Qiu was the main speaker at this information session. Principal Qiu used the analogy of potted plants to illustrate how many parents treat their children, with regard to education. People typically plant, replant, and trim their potted plants according to their own needs. In the same way, with our children, we really need to pay more attention to their own needs and provide them an age-appropriate education that focuses on giving them different nutrients at different times to help them thrive. Later, Principal Qiu also explained the various phenomena that are likely to occur in the transition stage from the aspects of psychology, physiology, and community.

Ms. Jeanne Sobo, Director of the ECE and Primary department spoke next. She carefully analyzed the difference between Kindergarten and Primary school, and gave suggestions for dealing with the possible stressors. According to her, it is normal for students to have emotional ups and downs at this stage. Parents are encouraged to help their children during this difficult time by, for example, sharing their own school stories to empathize with them. Develop kids’ independence by setting small tasks for them, such as cleaning the table, organizing their school bag, etc. When sending kids to school, say, "I'll see you later" instead of "goodbye" to ease the child's separation anxiety. Parents can also leave small notes of encouragement in their child’s bag or backpack to make them feel supported by their family.

之后上场的是中文部主任Mia女士及FLIS第二课堂——CAASEL情商中心主任Juno女士。两人分别向各位家长介绍了FLIS这两大特色部门。福州西湖国际学校素来重视中文教育,我们拥有一批来自香港、新加坡、台湾等地的中文教师,他们大多拥有硕士学历,且有丰富的海外教学经验。Mia女士向大家展示了我校中文教育成果,也给出了小学一年级中文学习的准备小贴士;Juno女士则讲解了CAASEL中心的构成、课程:中心课程分为艺术熏陶(绘画 / 陶艺 / 雕塑 / 扎染 / 插画 / 书法 / 舞台戏剧 / 表演)、情商课程(情绪管理 / 团结协作 / 社群能力)、亲近自然&生活技能(农耕 / 动物喂养 / 烘焙 / 烹饪 / 饮食文化 / 餐桌礼仪)三大类。该课程设置结合了哈佛大学儿童发展中心的研究成果以及美国芝加哥大学的艺术情商课纲,打破传统的课堂环境,给学生们提供了一个多元化的活动场所,真正实践哥伦比亚大学杜威博士的“探究式学习”教育理念。
After that, Ms. Mia, director of the Mandarin department and Ms. Juno, director of CAASEL, came on the stage. They introduced two of FLIS’s featured departments to parents. FLIS has always attached great importance to Mandarin education. We have a group of Mandarin teachers from Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and other places. Most of them have Master's degrees and rich overseas teaching experience. Ms. Mia showed the achievements of Mandarin education in our school and gave some tips for the preparation of Mandarin learning in the first grade of Primary school. Ms. Juno explained the structure and curriculum of the CAASEL center. Ms. Juno explained that the CAASEL Center combines the curriculum guidelines of Columbia University with the research from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. It replaces the traditional classroom with a more diversified environment for students to practice hands-on inquiry-based learning in order to promote both academic and personal achievements through the development of their emotional intelligence.

After the meeting, Principal Qiu also answered parents' questions. We hope all parents benefited from this session and will help their kids successfully complete the transition from Kindergarten to Primary school. FLIS will also continue to promote the benefits of an international education!

· 福州唯一国际学校 
the ONLY international school in Fuzhou area

· 欧美专业师资云集 
professional qualified teachers from Europe and USA

· 全英文浸入式环境 
English-immersion environment

· 小班教学/高师生比
small class size / high student-faculty ratios

· 全美课程/主题式教学 
American curriculum / thematic approach

· 个性化升学/留学服务
individualized-studying abroad consulting services

· CAASEL艺术情商基地
CAASEL arts & emotional intelligence center

Fuzhou Lakeside International School
2019-2020 Fall semester’s admission starts now!
Welcome to inquire and join us!

招生热线(严老师) TEL(Ms. Melody):
(0591) - 28066277; 
(0591) – 83155555;

地址:福州市鼓楼区北梦山路72号 福州西湖国际学校
No.72 Meng Shan Road, Gulou District Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China
官方微信号(official WeChat number):FLIS2012