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School News | 新年新气象:FLIS中学部将施行新学院制度!

a new Housing system

2019春季学期开学已有一周,大家都适应了吗?本学期伊始,中学部就在集会上公布了一大惊喜:福州西湖国际学校中学部(六年级至十二年级)学生将施行一套新的学院制度!想必许多学生都相当熟悉风靡全球的哈利波特系列,FLIS中学部的新四院制度正与此相仿;四个学院的名称均取自在数学、英语文学、历史及科学领域(也是学生在FLIS学习的科目)极富影响力的名人:Arc, Tesla, Fibonacci 与 Hurston. 学院建立后的首个任务之一,便是找出关于学院名称的更多信息,了解此人在该领域的重要贡献。

In the spring semester of 2019, the Secondary Department of Fuzhou Lakeside International School rolled out a new Housing system for all secondary students grade 6 to grade 12. This housing system is similar to that of the Harry Potter franchise. There are four houses that are named after four influential people in the fields of mathematics, English literature, history and science. The names of the four houses are Arc, Tesla, Fibonacci and Hurston. One of the first tasks as a House will be to find out more information about their house names and the importance of their role in that specific subject.

Throughout the year students will compete in House Cup games and activities. In these events, students have an opportunity to win points for their houses. These points accumulate all semester and the House with the most points will win the House Cup trophy as well as a special field trip at the end of the year. Students can also gain points by winning school wide events such as the speech contest or the spelling bee. There are also ways to lose points for a House through infractions or major misconduct, outlined in the Student Handbook.


During the first week of spring semester, the students were met with banners of the houses, as well as the House Cup, in the main lobby. Throughout the week more decorations, that represented the four houses, were put up in order to build suspense. On Friday, the students were introduced to the houses, the House Heads, and were proudly sorted into their new Houses while receiving of their house pins. We here at FLIS hope that this new Housing system will bring a fresh level of competitiveness and discipline to the secondary students and are excited to see what’s in store for the Houses of FLIS.