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What Does Your Future Look Like?


This is the last week of the 2018/19 fall semester! Are you satisfied with your report card? Before we say goodbye to this semester, let's review January with pictures!

This past month, ECE students learned about ‘occupations’. In order to provide students a deeper understanding of various occupations, we invited some parents to come in and share about their jobs. These parents came from all walks of life. Some held jobs that were very familiar to students, while others the students learned about for the very first time.  Students learned about jobs such as cashiers, engineers, and ‘mothers’ -- you know, being a ‘mother" is very hard work! We hope this experience will help students to appreciate their mothers more. There were also novel industries that opened students' eyes, such as scientists studying artificial intelligence and human genes? Preschool and Kindergarten students also went to the Bank of China for a one day tour, to experience how to be a "little banker". They learned different currencies, watched employees of the bank work, and experienced the daily life of bank staff. These activities will help children to understand different jobs, and perhaps tonight, they will dream of their future career!

The FLIS soccer team played two friendly matches against Cangshan No. 5 Primary School in January. Although the team finished in the top of their group in the fall season of the Fuzhou Junior Football League Championship, we still hope they can continue training and strive for excellence during the spring holiday this year!

中学组本月的FLIS TALK嘉宾是来自福建省广播电台的节目主持人伟瀚先生。他以从业后经手的几个项目,为中学生们讲解了电台主持如何通过做节目吸引大众,运用自己的影响力向社会输出正能量。他所讲述的福州弃婴案、“绿丝带”助学案很是令人动容,如今主持的旅行美食节目也极大勾起了同学们的好奇心。最后,他给中学生们留下了真挚的建议:不论是工作还是爱好,都要有认真的态度。有没有立志成为电台DJ的同学?希望这次的FLIS TALK有帮到你喔!
This month's FLIS TALK guest was Mr. John Sun, the DJ and host from Fujian FM 98.7 radio. He explained to the secondary students about how to compel the public's attention and use influence to inspire others. He shared the story of the ‘Fuzhou Abandoned Baby’ and ‘Green Ribbon’ projects, which offers scholarships for disadvantaged students. Now he is hosting a program about travel and food, which also greatly aroused the curiosity of our students. Finally, he left some sound advice to secondary students, “Whether it is work or a hobby, you need to treat them with a serious attitude.” Is there anyone who wants to be a DJ? Hope this FLIS TALK has inspired you!

On the last day of the semester, the school was happy to honor some of our students for achievement of high academic standards, and excellent citizenship. The winners of these awards were: 

High Honors with Distinction 优异荣誉奖

High School: GPA of 3.9 and above

• Kaiden Myers

Grades 4 – 8: Cumulative Average of 97% and above

• Bonnie Guo

• Natalia Visser

High Honors 优秀荣誉奖
High School: GPA of 3.5 – 3.89 with no grade lower than a B 

高中:该生绩点在3.5 – 3.89之间且所有成绩不低于B

• Cindy Qiang Zhang

• Kristina Wang

• Sue Lin

• Anna Mo Xu

Grades 4 – 8: Cumulative Average of 94 – 96%
四至八年级:该生平均分介于94 - 96分之间

• Cindy Yao

• Eason Yao

• David Chen

• Johnny Chen

• Milly Huang

• Jack Lin

• Kevin Pan

• Johnny Ye

• Eric Ye

• Ziming Zhang

• Jeffrey Li

• Betty Zheng

• Dolfin Wu

• Jason Wang

• Tara Li

Honors 优良荣誉奖
High School: GPA of 3.3 – 3.49 with no grade lower than a C
高中:该生绩点在3.3 – 3.49之间且所有成绩不低于C

• Jenny Zhang

• Jeffrey Zhe Chen

• Smile Ying Zhang

• Christina Xichen Weng

Middle School: Cumulative Average of 90 – 93%
初中:该生平均分介于90 – 93分之间

• Selyn Pan

• Tina Ni

• Niko Ye

• Diego Tang

Congratulations to these academic achievers! FLIS is very proud of you all. 


In the first month of 2019, we got a glimpse of students’ future. Our children's future is full of possibilities. We hope they can continue to thrive in FLIS. We wish you a Happy Spring Festival and a happy holiday!