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School Events丨圣诞快乐!请为喜欢的节目投上一票吧~

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

盼望着盼望着,十二月的重头戏——圣诞派对终于来啦:) 一起随照片回顾这特别的一天~
The Christmas season, the highlight of December, has finally arrived! Let us remember this special day with photos and fond memories. 

The lobby of Fuzhou Lakeside International School was decorated as a living room for Christmas this year, reminiscent of a traditional home. In their free time, students had the opportunity to recline in the sofa and browse yearbooks from years past. A Christmas tree, decorated with ornaments and a shining star, added to the festive atmosphere.

本周三,FLIS本年度圣诞义卖正式开始。现场分为新品区(FLIS定制圣诞特别款)及二手区(感谢大家的捐赠!),甫一开售就热闹非凡!学生与家长们开开心心地挑选各式各样的商品:许多孩子捐赠了有趣的书籍,以及心爱的玩具,甚至还有小朋友捐出了乐器——一把可爱的尤克里里!FLIS定制款圣诞笔记本也很是吸睛~ 大家都买到了心仪的商品了吗?义卖所得将全数捐赠给省团委、省青少年基金会,腾讯大闽网,厦门大学附属眼科中心等机构共同发起的“为乡村点睛”大型公益项目,给乡村近视的孩子免费配送爱心眼镜。

The FLIS Christmas Charity Sale officially began on Wednesday. The store was divided into a new product area for custom Christmas merchandise and an area for used items. The sale began with a real buzz! Students and parents had a wide variety of goods to choose from, including a selection of interesting books, toys, and even a ukulele! FLIS custom Christmas notebooks were also very popular! Did you find what you were looking for? The funds raised will be donated to project ‘Brightening the Eyes for the Countryside,’ sponsored by the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Youth Foundation, Tencent Damin Network, Xiamen Eyes Center, and affiliated with Xiamen University, and used to purchase eyewear for visually impaired children.


On the day before the Christmas Party, ECE students received a gift from Santa Claus! Students were so excited to sit on Santa’s lap and have their picture taken. On December 21st, FLIS held its annual Christmas Party! This year's performance was spectacular! Students sang, danced and performed a traditional Christmas play to get in the holiday spirit. Thanks to all the parents who came today to watch the show! Amidst all the excitement, clearly students receive the greatest gift when they have the opportunity to share this Christmas celebration with supportive parents. Which show do you like best? This year's Christmas Party Committee will select three winners for ‘Best Performance’ through votes. The class or group that wins the award will get a mysterious New Year's surprise at the end of the Christmas holidays. Cast a precious vote for your favorite program!

During the show, the host announced the amount of money raised for the charity sale. We hope children can see a clearer world, and FLIS students can learn the meaning of caring and helping others! Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy your holiday and see you in January!