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School News丨FLIS学子初探CAASEL中心:享受种植的乐趣吧!

The First CAASEL Visit

CAASEL(情商教育中心)自宣布成立以来,一直备受福州西湖国际学校师生关注。上周三,FLIS的中学生们率先前往第二课堂 - 情商教育中心,他们此行的目的是什么呢?

The Fuzhou Lakeside International School CAASEL Center has attracted much attention since its announcement at the beginning of this year. Last Wednesday, some FLIS secondary students paid a visit to the CAASEL center.  What did they discover?


In the central plaza, Mr. Gerald, the director of the CAASEL Center, introduced two experts who would help to assist students to complete that day’s "mission" -- Mr. Teddy and Mr. Wu. The mission of those students was to experience the joy of planting! The students were divided into four groups. Some were responsible for planting trees, others for planting flowers and fertilizing the garden. Later, all kinds of small animals in the farm area gathered around the fence curiously, which drew students' attention. The students fed the sheep and rabbits under the teacher's supervision.


While planting flowers, the teacher remarked, “Perhaps next time you guys come to CAASEL, you can see the flower garden in full bloom, all a result of your hard work!” An inconspicuous seed may bloom beautifully after careful watering and fertilizing. Is there a parallel between teaching and gardening? Mr. Gerald took students to the back of the CAASEL center, where the wind blew and they overlooked the river for a tranquil end to an eventful day.

What surprises will the CAASEL Center bring us? We eagerly await the opening of the new CAASEL Center!