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September Retrospect


Autumn is a season full of hope and expectation, just like French philosopher, author, and journalist Albert Camus once wrote, “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” It is nearing the end of September and finally we are getting a hint of cool weather ahead! During this month, we held the new school year’s Open House, celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival, and National Day is close at hand! Let’s say goodbye to September and look back at the events this month with pictures.


Last week, our school celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with various activities. ECE students learned to make traditional lanterns, some Primary students made Mooncake Frisbees, while Mr. Gerald came to class and taught others to fold magic paper lanterns, and Secondary students studied the custom of Mooncake gambling in Mandarin class and even played the game during class. Some classes even made ice-crust Mooncakes!

On a field trip this month Secondary students went to Fuzhou National Forest Park for hiking. Although it was supposed to be an "autumn field trip", the park was still as verdant as summer. Students were divided into groups to finish their group mission like writing poems, finding specimens, and doing designs according to the scenario they were given. It was a full day!

This Thursday, Fuzhou Lakeside International School held its annual fire drill. FLIS invited the fire-prevention trainer to come and explain fire safety to our students, followed by a fire drill. We hope this kind of activity can improve students’ knowledge of what to do in a fire!


Happy National Day and see you in October!