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May Retrospect

虽然五月已逝,几场大型活动的鲜活记忆想必还留在大家脑中:犹记得运动会那一天,拔河时震耳欲聋的欢呼声;也记得英语拼词大赛紧张的决胜时刻;「算24点」带来的头脑风暴仍叫人心潮澎湃…… 这绝对是活动丰收的一个月!此外,校内校外还有不少有趣暖心的小活动值得盘点,一起随照片回顾吧 :)
Time flew in May. We remember May with lots of vivid moments; the deafening applause of Sports Day’s tug-o-war; the breathtaking conclusion of the Spelling Bee; the tense final minutes of the Math 24 competition… it was definitely an exciting month! All this and more! Follow these pictures and experience it all again!

ECE kids prepared a big surprise for their mothers on May 14th. There were mystery gifts, amazing programs and funny parent-child games! Their little angels were so sweet that mothers felt touched. By doing something on that special day for mothers, we hoped the bond between a mother and child would deepen. Cheerful memories never fade :)

学生会于5月28日至6月1日期间策划了主题狂欢变装周(精神周Spirit Week),我们鼓励孩子们在此期间根据主题进行相应打扮,享受乐趣,展示我校的精神!
On May 28 - June 1, Student Council planned a school wide Spirit Week! Spirit Week is a week in which we encourage everyone at FLIS to have fun by participating in planned activities and to show their school spirit! We had Crazy hair/hat Day, Stuffed Animal Day, Cosplay Day, Sports Day, International Day, and Superhero vs. Super-villain Day. One would be amazed by how creative our students were! They were really good at designing characters for themselves and others…It was genius!

最后,也借此放出孩子们庆祝六一节的照片~ 学生们兵分几路,有的前往儿童乐园,有的前往游泳馆。五月虽逝,但接下来的日子也同样精彩!别忘了——我们将于6月15日举办年度达人秀!敬请期待:)
At last we’d like to share pictures of Children’s day. Although May passed, let’s look forward to the upcoming school days and don’t forget – we’ll hold the FLIS Talent show on June 15! Please stay tuned :)