

How to improve your English

Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can not escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”  So today is the perfect day to start improving your English.  But where do you start?  In this article I will explain the FLIS philosophy.

According to one science teacher with a master’s degree in English Literature, who wished to remain anonymous, the best way to improve is to “talk to other people.”   And indeed, it’s true.  Most educators agree that the best way to improve your use of a foreign language is to engage that language directly with native speakers.  But if you can’t find a native speaker, groups of people who share your passion for learning can be created on wechat or other social media apps.  These groups can meet every week at a coffee shop or restaurant, and members of the group agree to use only English when they meet.

Langports.com lists over a hundred ways to improve your English, including watching English movies, listening to English news, reading books and using skype to talk to foreigners online.  There’s a website called conversationsexchange.com that was set up specifically for people who are looking for language partners to have online conversations using skype or other chat applications.

Try keeping a notebook of new words you learn.  Make sure you organize it and keep the notebook handy.  Sometimes go through the notebook, looking at each word you’ve learned.  Just having it near you will keep your learning habit strong.   Give yourself a long-term goal and try to stick to it.  You will feel proud and accomplished as your notebook expands and the number of words you learned reaches your goal.

Before I finish, I want to mention something close to my heart: Singing!  I have found that my pronunciation has improved greatly by studying music of foreign languages.  In fact, I found my pronunciation of German improved when I studied French!  Just listening and trying to copy the pronunciation of other languages can make your ear better, and with a good ear you can sound like whoever you want.  Plus, memorizing songs is fun and makes you look great when you go to KTV.  Just make sure you’re in tune!