

Character Education

品格建构课程(Character Education)是2017-2018学年系统化引进FLIS的一个新型教学项目。经过一学期的实践,师生对课程结构、内容以及授课方式方法有了进一步的了解和熟悉。我们非常重视品格建构课程,作为我校特色教育不可或缺的一部分,我们一直致力于提升和完善这一项目的品质,夯实我校全人教育理念的基础。为了检验教学成果,我们于寒假前,对在校师生做了为期一周的与课程相关的访谈。本次访谈主要围绕教学内容、教学形式、教师素养、教学材料、和之前CE课程对比差异、以及对CE课程总体发展的看法等几个方面切入展开,以期能从多个角度向学生(受教者)和老师(教授者)收集理性和感性层面的信息,协助完善CE课程教授体系。基于访谈结果,我们很高兴在整个访谈过程中获得了许多积极的反响。这充分说明通过师生们的共同努力,FLIS品格建构课程受到了师生们的广泛认可;更为重要的是,大家在教与学的过程中,也充分认识到品格建构于少年儿童健康成长的重要性。大家的正面反馈,对我们在未来就品格建构课程的进一步改良工作来说,是一种鼓励。对于师生们的合理化意见和建议,我们也会珍惜并认真考虑,以不断完善和丰富这一重要课程。本学期的品格建构课程将侧重于对礼貌与社区服务项目,诚实与公平,友善、原谅与耐心这几方面的认知、思辨、内化及实践。我们将以高涨的热情、更具创造性的方式来共建高品质的品格建构课程。


The FLIS Character Education program commenced formally this year. Character education, along with the formal curriculum at schools, inspires children to explore the environment around and develop themselves. Children are taught to be aware of and respect both community and themselves. They are taught to love and care for their bodies, to wash their hands regularly, to keep free from bacteria, and various other ways to stay healthy. They are taught self-awareness, and that each of them is precious. Lessons of mutual respect, love for friends, relatives, and compatriots, are all taught through reading, short sketch practice, and social skills which all help to strengthen independent critical thinking skills and internalization of virtues. 

我们也希望此课程能成为品格情商教育和现实世界的之间的桥梁。因此,除课程大纲外,CE课程的主题框架下还增加了阅读、小品演练、社会技能学习等更多实践体验内容,让孩子们能通过这些环节进一步巩固课堂所学的美德知识,强化美德思辨,进而巩固促进美德内化。及此,我们每周开设的三节品格建构课程不仅仅只是美德知识的相关教授,而是涵盖了阅读(Reading)、情绪管理(Emotion Management)、英语(English Study)、社会技能(Social Skills)等诸多孩子成长过程中人格培养所须技能的综合课程。


Students and teachers were given a survey and chance to share their feedback about the Character Education program. We are happy to report that most students are very satisfied with the varied activities and teaching methods that are utilized in these classes that are taught three times a week. Participation was overwhelmingly enthusiastic. All feedback is taken into consideration as we move forward this semester with focus on Courtesy and Community Service Projects, Honesty and Fairness, Friendliness and Forgiveness and Patience.

In addition, a survey of international education experts revealed that the more complete their character building is, the more academic success students can achieve. We are happy that through this CE program, we can lay the groundwork of student academic success both intellectually as well as morally.