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在今年杭州举办的国际课程发展大会GAC专场上,有位来自福州西湖国际学校的学生由于其独特的个人经历和在GAC数学学科上取得的成就被视作典范,频频获得GAC官方点名表扬。她是Sue, FLIS 2022届毕业生,从FLIS毕业时收获了加拿大综合排名第一的名校西蒙菲沙大学(Simon Fraser University)的录取通知书。受疫情影响,该校与浙江大学达成战略合作并委托其培养国际大一新生。因此,Sue现暂时就读于浙江大学,学习西蒙菲沙与浙大合作的国际大一课程,不日即将前往加拿大继续完成本科学习。也许你不免好奇,这位女孩是如何收获一系列掌声与鲜花,实现升学梦想的?本期推文,一起追溯Sue在FLIS的点点滴滴吧!
At this year's GAC session at the International School Curriculum Development Conference in Hangzhou, a student from Fuzhou Lakeside International School was seen as an exemplary student due to her unique personal experience and achievements in the GAC program, and was frequently recognized by GAC officials. The student is Sue, FLIS Class of 2022, and graduated from FLIS with an offer from Simon Fraser University, the top-ranked overall university in Canada. Due to the epidemic, the university has entered into a strategic partnership with Zhejiang University to train international freshmen. As a result, Sue is now temporarily enrolled in the international freshman program of Simon Fraser University and Zhejiang University, and will soon leave for Canada to complete her undergraduate studies. Perhaps you are curious how this girl has gained a series of applause and flowers to realize her academic dream? Let’s go back to Sue's journey at FLIS!

Sue joined Fuzhou Lakeside International School (FLIS) in ninth grade. She and her parents felt that FLIS was in a good location and that the teachers were more accommodating. When she first arrived, Sue experienced a period of discomfort. In the past, Sue felt that she had a low presence in the public school, as she was not the most visible person in a class of several dozen students; while FLIS has a small class size, where teachers pay attention to each student's learning and behavior in school, and provide appropriate advice and learning plans for different students' learning styles, strengths and weaknesses. Sue also has made a lot of friends who care about each other and support each other. All of this made her feel respected and valued, and she was "flattered" for a while.

After a while, Sue's teachers found her to be very self-driven, hard-working, observant and analytical. In particular, she demonstrated rigorous logical reasoning and dialectical problem solving skills in her mathematics studies, which gave her confidence. At the same time, Sue also found that FLIS students have a common advantage: their English ability and practical ability are very outstanding. With the guidance of her teachers and the encouragement of her classmates, Sue was able to adjust her mentality and pace of study in time, and continued to make steady progress.

FLIS has the advantage of providing students with international programs that connect to overseas institutions, an open and inclusive campus culture, a positive and energetic learning atmosphere, and flexible and personalized university planning services. After two years of study and self-growth, Sue gained more self-confidence. So she decided to challenge herself and enter the GAC program to prepare for her university application in two years. As an internationally recognized university preparation program designed for non-native English speaking students with the goal of developing core literacy and academic skills, the GAC program is a great fit for Sue. Throughout the three levels of study, Sue's mathematical talents were thoroughly explored, her abilities were recognized by teachers and classmates, and the professional skills required for her future goals were strengthened in the process.

GAC I至III级学习分别对应知识与技能学习、拓展及应用。升入II级学习后,学生可以在必修课之外选修数门与未来专业方向相关的专业课。比如FLIS就为有意向的学生开设了心理学、商科、科学等课程。Sue的父母均从事金融业,在耳濡目染言传身教之下,她也对当今社会形势有了研判:用头脑投资才是硬道理,方能不被时代通货膨胀所淘汰。她甚至在近几年短暂投身股市、体验其运作原理:在低点买入某支股票,并在高点卖出,浅尝辄止,幸运地赚得“第一桶金”。彼时,GAC课程中涉及的大数据分析、宏观经济学等内容便为决意往商科方向深造的Sue提供了专业支持。
GAC levels I to III correspond to knowledge and skills acquisition, extension and application, respectively. After moving on to Level II, students can take several specialized courses related to their future career paths in addition to the required courses. Sue's parents are both in the financial industry, and she has been taught by example that investing with your head is the only way to stay ahead of the inflationary times. She even briefly joined the stock market in recent years to experience how it works: buying a stock at a low point and selling it at a high point to make her "first bucket of money". At that time, the GAC course on big data analysis and macroeconomics provided professional support for Sue, who decided to pursue a career in business.

In addition, as a pre-university program, the GAC provides students with a solid foundation for their future studies and helps them make a smooth transition from secondary school to university. The course overlaps with many of the university's major subjects, which allows students to face their freshman year with a more comfortable attitude. Sue, who is now studying at Zhejiang University, said gratefully, "The GAC English course taught me how to cite articles and how to make better presentations, which are very important basic skills in college. This course was also offered specifically in my freshman year, and because I learned this in advance at FLIS, I felt much easier to study than others."

We recently learned that Sue will soon finish her studies at Zhejiang University and will soon leave China to continue her journey in Canada. In her free time outside of her studies, she often remembers the four years of life at FLIS: Ms. Vin's sage advice when she first enrolled, Ms. Alicia's meticulous care, the joy of Halloween drama class when the teacher led the students to decorate a haunted house and scare tourists by pretending to be ghosts…and even, whenever Christmas came the aroma of the apple cinnamon cookies that Ms. Alicia gave to each student in the class seems to linger in her nose and heart. The future is bright and full of possibilities, and Sue is ready for more opportunities and challenges in university. Her growth and transformation will have a more positive impact on the students at FLIS! We wish this FLIS student, who has high ambitions the following:

Soar over the mountains and seas of knowledge, move more firmly and freely to the future you aspire to, and meet a better you at the top!