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IPC encourages classes to learn in a theme-based environment, where kids think about various topics while engaged in various learning tasks.  So far this year, students in grade one have studied all about toys as they explored how toys work, the history of certain toys, and even made their own toys to play with.  Grade two learned about geography, maps, and where they were on the globe.  Grade three finished a unit called “Explorers and Adventurers” which had students learning about various geographic discoveries and the particular people who made those discoveries.  Grade four studied the Earth and how the active planet has changed through the eons, creating dangers and beauty and the life we have today.  Grade five studied people around the globe, focusing on the places they live and the cultures they share.  Each grade learned lessons and engaged in activities about that theme for about two months before the Christmas holiday, but after the break, they all had a chance to change to new units and new themes.

Now three grades, grades two, three, and five, will introduce new IPC units, all about the same thing: Electricity. Kids will learn about what the world was like before Electricity, and how people from different countries use electricity.  They’ll study static electricity, batteries, and the dangers of electricity.  Second grade will even get a chance to make their own battery-powered devices.  The third and fifth grades will learn about the history of the light bulb and how electricity is produced in different countries.  They'll also explore circuits, appliances, and home electricity-use, including making some devices.  Fifth graders will also learn how to make electrical diagrams, about the relationship of heat and electricity, about some parts of the car and about the future of producing power. 

Students are naturally interested in electricity because of its amazing properties.  It travels at the speed of light and can be produced from fossil fuels, large hydro power plants, nuclear power plants, or renewables like wind or solar.  Now, China is the world’s biggest consumer of coal, and a lot of that coal is being used to produce electricity to power everything from smart watches to skyscrapers.  In the future, the way electricity is produced and consumed will also be changing rapidly, and our students will need to find jobs and live in a world where coal and fossil fuels are gradually phased out while renewable, clean sources of energy are introduced.  It’s no wonder that, as FLIS helps to mold students for a future that hasn’t been invented yet, it’s more important than ever for students to understand electricity and the vital role it plays in our lives.   

As society continues to push forward and demand more and more power to run our devices, it’s important that students become familiar with electricity in order to live and thrive in this ever-changing world, and FLIS can’t wait to show you what we’ve all learned.