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Focusing | 中学部回顾与展望:动力与收获满满的11月!

11月19日,面向家长的IB工作坊来到第二期。本月IB家长工作坊的主题为:学习和教学中基于概念与探究的方法。在大致介绍本次工作坊之后,IB(MYP)项目主管Travis Coyne(龙在天)提出问题:如何以望远镜为喻解释基于概念与探究的教学和学习?家长们带着疑惑,按照分组指示,很快进入了角色。他们先分成一个个“家庭组”,再根据分配的问题重组“专家组”,并于充分讨论后回到“家庭组”分享信息。有的小组解释了望远镜的基本原理,以其为喻,阐述了怎样来平衡概念教学与探究学习的关系;有的小组想到了望远镜的功能,通过望远来比喻孩子需要通过概念及探究的教学来树立远大的目标……最后,每个小组都以绘制海报与分享的形式向其他小组展示了自己所学到的全部内容。不出意外,Mr. Coyne也没有忘记给家长们留家庭作业,请大家一起反思一下学到的内容,自己的表现以及需要改进提高之处。
On November 19, the IB Workshop for parents came to its second session. The theme of this month's IB Parent Workshop was: Concept-Based and Inquiry-Based Approaches to Learning and Teaching. After a general introduction to the workshop, Travis Coyne, the IB Coordinator, asked the question: How can a telescope be used as a metaphor to explain concept-based and inquiry-based teaching and learning? With their doubts in mind, the parents followed the grouping instructions and quickly got into their roles. They formed a "home group", reconstituted the "expert group" based on the assigned questions, and returned to the " home group" after a full discussion to share information. Some groups explained the basic principle of telescope and used it as a metaphor to explain how to balance concept teaching and inquiry learning; some groups thought of the function of telescope and used telescope as a metaphor for children's need to set ambitious goals through concept and inquiry teaching… Finally, each group presented their learning in the form of making posters and sharing them with others. Not surprisingly, Mr. Coyne didn't forget to leave homework for the parents, asking them to reflect on what they had learned, how they had done and what they needed to improve.

By the end of the session, parents had a better understanding of the most typical IB teaching method, the JIGSAW approach, in which members are required to put together pieces to form a finished picture. Through a clear division of labor and cooperation within the group, members can discuss and exchange information, logically reintegrate information in order to deepen their understanding of the topic, and strengthen their communication skills. FLIS looks forward to seeing you all again at the December workshop!

2021年11月24日下午,美国加州艺术设计商业学院(FIDM)招生代表到访我校,为9-12年级学生做了一场招生宣讲。通过院校代表Jojo Yang的详细介绍,FLIS学子不仅了解了该学院概况、课程特色、入学要求等等,更收获了最新官方资讯。
On the afternoon of November 24, 2021, an admissions representative from Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising visited FLIS to give an admissions presentation to students in grades 9-12. Through the detailed introduction by Jojo Yang, FLIS students not only learned about the college's profile, program features, admission requirements, etc., but also gained the latest official information.

FLIS college counselors are committed to helping students develop professional college plans, and we also want students to always be involved in their future academic planning, to be in the driver's seat, and to be fully aware and prepared for their own college plans. In the future, FLIS would like to invite more top universities around the world to meet with our students face to face!

The results of the 2021 Australian Mathematics Competition have been announced. 34 students from FLIS participated in this competition, of which 1 student won the High Distinction, 3 students won the Distinction, 8 students won the Credit and 20 students won the Proficiency. Congratulations to all the winners, and we sincerely hope that all the students gained something from this competition! Thank you to Mr. Eric and Ms. Lyn for their tutoring. Keep up the good work, everyone!


Distinction 全国二等奖

John Chen
Jenny Weng
Diego Tang


Credit 全国三等奖

Carlyn Zhu ; Jason Weng; 
Tiffany Lin; Andy Zhang; 
Martin Lei; Olivia Xu

Proficiency 全国数学技能奖

Harveych Zhang; Dolfin Wu; 
Kathryn Chen; Carson Gao; 
Hebe You; Gary Lei; 
Garce Chen; Joshua Chen; 
Pairs Lin; Kevin (Bicheng) Lin