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Every summer, FLIS waves goodbye to graduates and welcomes new students, and 2020 is another harvest! We have been receiving good news from time to time about our students being accepted into prestigious universities abroad for some time now. Since the end of 2019, students have received admission notices from prestigious schools in the UK, Australia, Europe, and the US. As early summer approaches, we are excited to announce to you that Jenna, one of this year's outstanding graduates, has also received admission notices from prestigious Canadian universities!

The FLIS teachers see Jenna as a bright, shy, enthusiastic, and thoughtful person. She grew up in an enlightened, bookish household: her father, who was one of the first technologically talented people to come to study in the U.S., gave her a great deal of freedom in a relaxing learning environment; the mother, as a university teacher, provided much support and influence in her daughter's future university education. Growing up in such a family, it seemed logical to choose a major in education.

After many conversations with the student herself, FLIS college counselors were able to determine her future goals in both Canada and Hong Kong. Jenna's mother was involved in her daughter's choice of major, choosing business and education as her top choices. Throughout the application process, Jenna was very positive and willing to share and discuss every detail of the application with FLIS college counselors. In the summer before the application season, Jenna scored 7.0 on the IELTS, making her a very competitive candidate for top schools.

结果令人喜出望外。今年早些时候,我们极其兴奋的收到了来自温哥华的好消息:Jenna被综合排名第一的西蒙菲沙大学(Simon Fraser University)录取。这是一所多么优秀的大学!在2020年权威的麦考林杂志中排名加拿大综合类大学第一。SFU是一所充满活力、面向现代世界的大学,以其创新性课程、重视学术卓越和活泼的校园生活多年来一直位居加拿大优秀大学之列,有世界一流的教师授课,还有一群拥有学习热情且具有天分的学生。Jenna录取的专业为教育,该专业在加拿大本科阶段的申请难度极高。不仅如此,Jenna同学还陆续收到了几份来自其他加拿大大学的录取通知书!
The results were overwhelming. Earlier this year, we were extremely excited to receive the good news from Vancouver that Jenna received the admission notice from Simon Fraser University (SFU). What a great university this is! Ranked #1 in Canada's comprehensive university category by the Maclean’s in 2020, SFU is Canada's most community-engaged research university, a dynamic, future-oriented university with vibrant campuses in British Columbia's largest municipalities — Vancouver, Burnaby, and Surrey — and deep roots in partner communities throughout the province and around the world. SFU has for many years ranked among Canada's top universities for its innovative programs, emphasis on academic excellence, and lively campus life. The university has a world-class faculty and a group of talented students who are passionate about learning. The major that Jenna was accepted for is Education, which is extremely difficult to be admitted to at the undergraduate stage in Canada. In addition, Jenna has also received several admission notices from other Canadian universities!

Come with a dream, ride on a dream. Congratulations again to Jenna! And may each student develop their skills and talents happily and confidently at FLIS to become a competent and competitive college freshman!