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School News丨FLIS中学部云课堂上线在即!


Dear parent/guardian,

Despite the ongoing hindrances our staff have shown their dedication to the continued education and support of our students during this time. Teachers in all of our core subjects; ELA, ELL, Mandarin, Math, Science, Social Studies, Computer Science and Art have assigned engaging and purposeful projects to the students to ensure that progress in their studies can continue to be made. Teachers are currently using their own personal techniques using the resources available to help students with these projects and provide accurate assessment so that credits can be earned. So far the feedback from staff and students is very positive and we are confident we can continue to provide the best quality education as the situation develops further. Thank you to all the effort of our staff students and support from parents!


Starting March 2nd FLIS secondary will be implementing a full online teaching schedule for our students using WeChat Work as a consistent program used across the school. Please make yourself aware of the new expectations we will have of students during this time listed below and ask homeroom teachers of any aspect you are not sure of.

In order to facilitate the best quality teaching standards, we will be putting on live classes for students to be able to interact with their teachers and maximize learning. The timetable contains the same amount of teaching time as the previous semester for each student, a longer has lunch has been given to allow students more flexibility but this means classes will run until 16:20 each day. 

These are the expectations with regards to the live classes:

▶ 每节课的安排将包括老师现场授课,和在老师的支持下独立完成的作业。
Each class scheduled will include a live lesson given by the teacher followed by assignments to be completed both with the support of the teacher and independently.

▶ 学生将通过发送到微信上的链接,用手机或平板直接点击访问直播课程,并可以在课程结束后回看。
Students will be sent a link on WeChat for each class in order to access the live class with a phone or pad and to watch again after the class has finished.

▶ 这些课程的出勤率和成绩都将被计入学分,以满足下一年级毕业的学分要求。
Both attendance and grades for these classes will be taken in order to meet the credit requirements for graduation to the next grade.

▶ 我们希望每个孩子能保证出勤率,但是我们也理解有时,因某些原因,并非每个学生都能参加每一节在线课堂。因此,每节直播课都将被录制下来,并通过微信发送给缺课的学生,学生可以在自己的时间观看课程,利用支持时间获得老师的帮助。在这种情况下,老师将从作业的提交和完成情况来衡量课堂出勤率。
Attendance for the live classes is expected where possible however we understand that circumstances may mean that some students cannot attend every live class. To accommodate this each live class will be recorded and sent to students who missed the class via WeChat, the student can then watch the class in their own time and use the support time to get help from teachers. In this case attendance of the class will be measured from the submission of assignments and homework.

▶ 由于这种教学方式对许多学生来说是全新的,所以我们每天还会留出14:45-16:20的时间,让老师们为那些正在努力适应的学生提供帮助。然而,如果学生能够顺利地获得知识,那么这个时间就可以用来完成体育、CAASEL和健康方面的选修课了。
Because this style of teaching will be new to many of the students, there will also be time set aside each day from 14.45 – 16.20 for teachers to provide support to students who are struggling to adjust. However if the student has managed to access the materials with no issues this time can be used to complete the elective assignments that will be sent out for PE, CAASEL, and Health.

If you have any concerns with regards to the new schedule or regarding the teaching then please don’t hesitate to contact your homeroom teacher so we can accommodate the issue.

Yours Sincerely,
FLIS 中学部
Secondary Department 
